This is the first post for 2020. For many of you, the new year means new resolutions. Personally, I believe that resolutions can be taken at any point in time. So there is no obligation to wait for January 1st when you take new decisions, or to start learning something new; like singing for instance.

Take the leap

When you have dreams and goals, the best way to start is to take note. You need a plan. Without a written plan, you are just flowing around. Take a piece of paper, or a spreadsheet on your computer and start writing your general goal or mission, followed by the steps you feel you need to take in order to achieve them.


Don’t forget to give yourself a timeline as well: where do you want to be in 3 or 6 months from now.  The plan will also help you determine what you need to learn or invest in so that at the end of your timeline, you can look back and see the improvement you’ve made. 

It shouldn’t only exist in your mind

A dream only leaves your mental world when you act on it. It becomes physical only when you allow it to. Does it make sense? We are very visual individuals, and when you see your dream on paper, you have a clearer picture of what needs to be done next. The dream starts having a form. But even then, sometimes you need to adjust your plan along the way.

Adjust your plan but don’t change your dream

Be yourself

Do not create your plan based on someone else’s dream. You are you, and as long as you’re true to yourself, you will achieve your goal. Figure out what works best for you.

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BOOK YOUR LESSON with The Voice Guru John Tracy
Mister John Tracy The Voice Guru

Hi, I’m the Voice Guru, but you can call me John Tracy. I live in Montreal (Quebec, Canada). I’ve been teaching voice and music for the past 15 years and hold two degrees in Opera and Vocal Jazz from the Conservatory in Paris (France) and McGill University (Canada). With experience in Opera, Jazz and Pop, I share my knowledge and everything related to the Art of Singing in videos. This channel is dedicated to all the singers out there, advanced professionals or young achievers seeking answers to issues they encounter throughout their artistic career. If you’re looking to have a better understanding of the Art of Singing, or wish to get extra tools and tips from a professional singer and voice coach, you’re at the right place!


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