As a voice coach specialized in coaching singers with vocal difficulties, I’m here to help you achieve your singing goals. In this article, I’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to sing like your favorite pop star. This guide is suitable for anyone looking to start taking vocal lessons or anyone who would be interested in me coaching them because they are struggling vocally.

Understanding Your Voice 

Before we dive into the techniques, it’s important to understand your voice and how it works. Your voice is produced by the vibration of your vocal cords, which are located in your larynx. The sound is then amplified by your throat, mouth, and nose. Understanding the different vocal registers and how to identify them is crucial to improving your singing.

There are three main vocal registers: chest voice, head voice, and mixed voice. Chest voice is the lowest register and is produced when your vocal cords are thick and relaxed. Head voice is the highest register and is produced when your vocal cords are thin and stretched. Mixed voice is a combination of chest and head voice and is used to transition between the two.

Breathing Techniques 

Breathing is an essential part of singing. Proper breathing techniques can improve your singing and help you hit those high notes. Here are some breathing exercises you can try:

Diaphragmatic breathing is a technique used to control your breath and support your voice. To practice diaphragmatic breathing, lie on your back with your hands on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose and feel your stomach expand. Exhale through your mouth and feel your stomach contract. Repeat this exercise several times until you feel comfortable.

Breathing for Singers

Vocal Warm-Ups & Practice

Vocal warm-ups are essential to prepare your voice for singing. Make sure to watch and download the 7 Free Exercises here.

Vibrato is a technique used to add depth and emotion to your singing. To perform vibrato, sing a note and quickly alternate between a higher and lower pitch. This will create a wavering effect.

Runs are a series of quick notes that are used to add flair to your singing. To perform runs, sing a series of quick notes in a row. Start with a simple run and gradually increase the difficulty.

Musicality & Style

Interpreting a song is an important part of singing. It’s not just about hitting the right notes, it’s about conveying emotion and telling a story. Here are some tips for interpreting a song:

  • Think about the emotion you want to convey and how you can use your voice to
    express it. Experiment with different tones and inflections to find the right one.
  • Think about the story behind the song and how you can use your voice to tell it. Pay attention to the lyrics and try to convey the message through your singing.


Performing can be nerve-wracking, but with the right preparation, you can overcome stage fright and deliver a great performance. Practice makes perfect. Make sure you practice your songs and performance techniques regularly. Visualize yourself performing and imagine yourself succeeding. This will help build your confidence and reduce anxiety.

Tip: Sing in front of a mirror or film yourself in order to see what you look like and get used to envisioning yourself as a professional singer! This will also help you figure out problems and issues you may encounter while singing.

Singing like your favorite pop star is not an easy feat, but with the right techniques and practice, you can achieve your singing goals. Remember to warm up your voice, focus on the techniques used by pop stars, interpret the song, and prepare for your performance.

Ready to start your vocal journey?

Whether online or in-person, you will get to discover your true voice where we develop together your vocal power, register and musical identity.