performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.

Doing an action spontaenously is also called “second nature”. You no longer need to think about it in order to execute it. But why is it important to be spontaneous when singing?

When the technic is part of who you are, your main focus is your performance and the music, instead of “how should I sing this?”.

Our objective as singers is to share a moment and to make things beautiful! And the only way to reach this goal is for you to be spontaneous! Easy right?


I know I’m boring, but this is the only good thing you can do when learning how to sing. The body and mind understand with time in order to replace the “old habit” by the “new habit” , which in this case means: singing the right way! The more you practice, the more you understand yourself, your body and your voice.
Check out this Playlist on HOW TO PRATICE.

Download 7 Free Singing Exercises


Doubt and fear not only change breath support and your posture but also your mental state. The voice is Body and Mind! When you lack confidence, this will be reflected unto your voice and your audience might sense a worry when it comes to your performance. Some say “Fake it til you make it”, I say “learn everything there is to know so that you can never doubt yourself”.


Stop over-analyzing. When you’re walking from point A to point B, you don’t think of every single step. You only think of your end objective: reaching your destination. When you sing, you focus on Breathing in, then singing the entire melodic phrase. Then you repeat.


How long did it take you to start walking? How about speaking? Or tying your shoes? My point is, it takes time to develop yourself and your voice, so don’t be too harsh on yourself. Don’t be afraid to do things and to make mistakes. Time and Patience.

Reaching your goal, reaching for success, there is no right answer except perseverance, repetition, learning, and staying strong. Above all, stay true to yourself.

BOOK YOUR LESSON with The Voice Guru John Tracy
Mister John Tracy The Voice Guru

Hi, I’m the Voice Guru, but you can call me John Tracy. I live in Montreal (Quebec, Canada). I’ve been teaching voice and music for the past 15 years and hold two degrees in Opera and Vocal Jazz from the Conservatory in Paris (France) and McGill University (Canada). With experience in Opera, Jazz and Pop, I share my knowledge and everything related to the Art of Singing in videos. This channel is dedicated to all the singers out there, advanced professionals or young achievers seeking answers to issues they encounter throughout their artistic career. If you’re looking to have a better understanding of the Art of Singing, or wish to get extra tools and tips from a professional singer and voice coach, you’re at the right place!


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Official Page: https://johnthevoiceguru.com/