As a young adult, I wish someone would have told me these things. It would have made my life much easier! So now, I can speak from experience, and perhaps you can avoid these mistakes at a younger age! I discovered it the hard way, but you don’t have to.
Not preserving the voice
With time, your voice changes, because you change and your body changes as well. Does singing change with age? The short answer is YES, but it’s a normal process. This doesn’t mean it gets worse or better, it just means that every single day, it’s up to you to adapt. When you know your voice, and you understand the vocal technique, there’s nothing to fear. Your voice can stay fresh and young, as long as you take care of it!
Taking bad advice
Most of the advice I got when I was a younger singer was BAD advice, because some people just feed on your insecurities and doubts, and fears! There’s nothing wrong in taking advice, but always pick the right person or get yourself a real mentor. This person can guide you and help you assess your needs and your objectives. The advices you get from your friends, or co-singers, isn’t always the best. In fact, it took me some time to realize that they were simply jealous, or they simply didn’t want me to go beyond what they have. Beware!
You don’t need to scream to be a singer
There’s a HUGE difference between screaming and singing. Screaming is reserved for those who wish to impress and those who know NOTHING about vocal technique. Singing is for those who wish to share a moment, and have taken the time and energy to invest in developing and building their voices. You can achieve a high volume and a high projection by learning “how to sing”. Easy, right? Singing with power requires practice.
You don’t belong to anyone
You don’t belong to only one teacher, one master, or one school of thought. If you feel you need to move on, just do it! You don’t owe anyone your voice, nor your life objectives. Your career is your main focus here and whether it’s with these people or not, this shouldn’t stop you from making the right choices! Build your voice, gain experience, but know when you need to move on! Also, if there’s no real chemistry or passion in what you are doing, you know what to do.
Not practicing enough
I cannot highlight this idea enough. Really, if you don’t practice enough, it’s not gonna be enough for you to develop anything. “I don’t have time” is an under-estimated statement. Believe me, I would know. I’ve always had multiple jobs, school, gigs, etc, but somehow, I always managed to do EVERYTHING I wanted simply because I got organized. There are several ways for you to practice and to get the most out of your day.
Relying on your looks
There’s nothing more to do to this title. Though show business is all about looks, it’s also all about you as a person, and your artistry. You can only go a few miles further if you’re exclusively relying on your tight skirt and your flashy makeup. If your objective is to be a great singer, then be one!
“I’m a DIVA” attitude
No one likes a fake DIVA. If you want to be a DIVA, then do something great, gain experience, get followers, help others, and then everyone will treat you like a diva. Don’t treat yourself as a diva before the world does. Otherwise, we’ll all see you as an obnoxious b****. Be nice, be polite, be diplomatic, and know when to say NO instead of giving people attitude.
Forgetting your self-worth
The voice is a reflection of your identity, your soul, who you are. Your voice is YOU! If I think I’m not enough, I will hear it in my voice. With time you learn that this is an important feature. The voice will not develop in the desired way because you are limiting yourself to the “not enough” idea that you set in your mind about yourself…
Not singing with your real voice
You are not Ariana, Celine, or Billie. I want to hear you, and not an imitation of these other singers. Get inspired from your spoken voice. Say your name out loud and then sing on your name. We want to hear your true essence, your true timber, your true voice. Be honest!
Not learning music basics and music theory
Please learn as much as you can, otherwise you’re just another “singer”. Learn music theory, understand what a chord is, learn how to play that chords on the piano or the guitar. Understand what is takes to form a song, etc. Basically, the more you know the greater you become, and the better you are able to stand out from the crowd.
Not being open-minded
Why is it hard for young singers to be open-minded to other paths? You can definitely study music, and study management for instance. You are able to sacrifice 3-4 years of hard work to then be able to do what you want. There’s nothing stopping you from singing, learning, and studying in another domain, all at once. You are limiting yourself to the great potential you have. I wish I did that in my early twenties.
Not being ready for change
Your life will change, your voice will change, your intentions will change, and your plans will change as well. Be ready for things to happen and to make important decisions in your life. It’s not just about singing, it’s also about your needs and your feelings. If singing is no longer keeping you happy in your thirties, then change!
NO ONE will come running for you
No one cares if you’re singing, or if you’re working in a bar. No one will fetch you to take of your career. No one has time and no one truly cares. It’s up to you to be that entrepreneur and take your career under your own hands. It’s up to you to run after organization, gigs, castings, and auditions. You will produce you own work and take care of all the marketing, and apply to music festivals, etc… Until you’re bigger, then you can always hire a manager or an assistance. If your songs are sleeping in your computer, chances are they will stay there unless you do something about it!
Not finding your true vocation
At 18, I wanted to sing, and that’s all I wanted. But with the years, i discovered I loved teaching, I love writing, I love helping others, and I love being my own boss. My vocation after all was to make people happy, so i did end up finding my own calling. What is yours? There are lots of resources online for you to determine what your life mission is, so take the time to discover yourself!