When you are learning how to sing, you will face several challenges along the way. Whether they are physical or mental, they are related, and they can be dealt with in a positive mindset.
The body is a very smart entity and it will adapt to all situations. Singing is possible because we are born to sing. It is part of our physical abilities. It takes time for it to adapt to what you are asking it to accomplish. With practice and understanding, you will get the hang of it. So don’t feel down when you are having a tough day because there is always room for improvement tomorrow, or later in the day. This is why it is important to trust your body.
Why try singing like someone else when you can sing with your own voice? We don’t need another Ariana, or another Celine, we need new artists who can bring something new to the equation. Accepting your voice means you allow the natural course of things to take place when you are singing. You use your reflex and your instinct instead of imposing something a bad task to your body.
Once you trust yourself and your body, singing becomes easy. The mind is programmed to send a signal to your body in order for it to react. Therefore, if you accept what your body is doing, you have passed another big step in the process of learning how to sing.
You cannot accept your voice unless you accept yourself and who you are. Otherwise, you are fake and therefore the body is doing something it is not supposed to. Accepting yourself means allowing yourself to be you, and allowing everything that forms you to reveal itself to the audience.