Tension in the throat can be associated with either bad singing habits or something related to your inner self. The body reflects many elements that are related to stress, fear and anxiety. Once you acknowledge it, you can correct it…

3 Steps to overcome Stage Fright & Shyness

Almost all singers suffer from this syndrome: stage fright and shyness. And even though they might sound different, they can be dealt with in the same way by following these simple steps.


There are several reasons why one can sing off pitch (off key), or more or less flat. It is sometimes normal to have a few glitchy notes when you are in your learning mode, but there are three main reasons why you might be singing flat.

Soft Palate

The palate can be divided into two sections: The hard Palate and The Soft Palate. The soft palate is not a voluntary movement/action but reacts to the passing air alone when you are singing. We do not "lift" the soft palate, but we allow it to lift itself once we inhale.

How to Overcome Failure

In this video, I explain some theories about how you can overcome failure, fix it or get over it. Whether you are a singer, a performer, a leader or an entrepreneur, you will discover how we all share the same paths.

Breathing Exercises

There are two things that every singer needs to acknowledge: Endurance and Strength. Endurance will allow you to go the distance and to have stamina during the concert. Strength is the power and the energy, it's also called Resistance. The main idea is to keep the body active and responsive, otherwise, it is weak and would not react in the desired manner.

Breathing for Singers

Most singers have a tendency to question their breath support and the way they are connecting the air to the vibration of the sound. Correcting the breath fixes most of the issues related to singing technic.

What Male Singers Suffer From

I've been teaching voice for the past 15 years, and I've come to the conclusion that most of the male singers I've coached all share important features. Each voice is unique and each one of us has something new to bring to the world.