3 Steps to overcome Stage Fright & Shyness

It is widely known that stage fright or shyness can cause tremendous damage to your health and to your performance when you are a musician. Yet we forget that just like everything else in life, we can learn to either erase this feeling or control it. There are three main steps that you can follow in order to get over the fear of performing in front of others.


By not caring what others think, you can be yourself on stage without worrying whether you are good enough or not. If you have reached the stage, this means you are indeed good enough to be there, otherwise trust me you’d be canceling gigs on a regular basis. There will however always be someone who will not like you or your performance, so don’t worry, these individuals have a long way to go. It’s their problem.

“How to Build Confidence” Video

Keep the Pace

3 steps stage fright Practice

Practicing makes almost perfect, and when you practice, you develop ease, and above all confidence. Being confident means that you are sure of yourself and that you can predict how well you will be performing.
So go practice!

Who are You?

3 steps stage fright shyness Know Yourself

When you know who you are, you are a confident person. In other words, nothing and no one can break you because no matter what happens, you will always master the real you. With confidence and by being yourself at all times, all your actions are successful.
All you need to do is Sing with your Real Voice


Start your vocal journey, today!